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Remote Learning Protocol

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

A lot has transpired in the last 24-hours in terms of this world-wide crisis. During the school closure from 3/13-4/3 it is important that students continue their learning. Below please find information on how my class will operate during this time. Given that we have never been through anything like this before, we will need to monitor and adjust the process as we proceed. Thank you, in advance, for your flexibility and patience.

* The Pleasure Reading Project #3 which was set to be due on Monday, I will extend the deadline until Thursday, 3/19 so that you can photograph it (or scan it as a pdf) and submit it via

** Anyone who was scheduled to take a makeup vocabulary or grammar test will be allowed to make it up once we return to campus.

How we will communicate during this school closure?

  • I will post weekly assignments on the course website (link here) which you will complete in your spiral notebooks per our normal classwork.

What if I have a question about an assignment during this school closure?

  • I will host virtual office hours via email from 10 am-12 pm Mondays- Fridays during the school closure (3/13-4/3). You may contact me via email at You will receive a response within a reasonable period of time.

Here are the resources your student will be using:

  • Students will need their copies of The Catcher in the Rye, spiral notebooks, quote journals, and access to the internet.

  • In the event that our closure is extended beyond spring break it might be a good idea to locate your Literature and Grammar Textbooks which were sent home at the beginning of the school year.

We are all going through this together, and learning as we do so. I realize that each household may face their own challenges, and we will work through that too. Thank you, again, for your continued support.

With Gratitude,

Suzanne Brown

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