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3/16-3/27 Remote Learning

I hope this update finds you well. In these uncertain times I want you to know that I do not want to complicate your lives with assignments that might be confusing or overly complicated. I’ve tried to keep things simple and similar to what we normally do in class. The classwork and homework assignments below are what we would have completed together during our study of The Catcher in the Rye before spring break. If the campus closure extends beyond 4/6, I will send another set of assignments along with some video lectures. You will need you Literature and Grammar Textbook for those. In the meantime, complete these assignments over the next few weeks, I will check them when we return to campus.

As indicated in my previous post, I will be available via email ( to answer questions Mondays-Fridays between 10am and 12pm 3/16-27. You can find updates to the curriculum on the class website


The Pleasure Reading Project #3, which was set to be due on Monday, 3/16 will be postponed until Thursday, 3/19, so that you can photograph it (or scan it as a pdf) and submit it via

I. Classwork to be completed in your spiral notebook, which will be checked upon our return to campus.

A. Please read and take notes on the attached PowerPoint about Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's theory of the Stages of Grief to help you better understand Holden's mindset.

B. Please see the attached PowerPoint and complete the following slides:

  • Holden's Relationships with Men

  • Holden's Relationships with Women

  • Holden's Psychological Traits

  • Images, Symbols, and Motifs

  • Music and TCITR

C. Please read the attached article and complete the questions 1-8 underneath the box. You do not need to complete the instructions inside the box. As always write in complete sentences.

II. The Quote Journal assignment will be due on the day of our test (a few days after we return to campus).

See this reminder of what to include in your annotations.

III. Finish reading The Catcher in the Rye and be prepared for a test (a few days after we return to campus).

IV. Please watch the videos below to help with establishing the setting and the significance of The Catcher in the Rye. In your spiral write a two-sentence summary of each video.

Salinger Trailer (We watched this in class already.)

American Master's Edward Norton's Analysis

Leave It to Beaver episode is an example of the social conditions of time period.

John Green's Crash Course part 1

John Green's Crash Course part 2

Additional Options:

1. This would be a great time to start writing in a journal, if you don't already. Writing your private thoughts and concerns during this time can be cathartic. If you're not sure what to write about, start with how you spent your day. Also, think about it, 20 years from now when TikTok and Instagram are defunct, you will have an amazing record of this strange time.

2. If you're looking for a podcast, here are a few I would suggest:

In the Dark, season two. If you were fascinated by Just Mercy, this podcast is a similar story that was in the news in 2018.

3. When you finish reading The Catcher in the Rye, go ahead and read another book! Tag it on to have the opportunity for extra credit later. Here is a list of suggested books to read.

4. You could watch a great movie that relates to The Catcher in the Rye, like Pleasantville or Dead Poets’ Society.

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